Intelligent Automation

Who is VersaFile?

VersaFile has been implementing custom content, process and automation solutions for enterprise organizations for over 15 years. Our extensive experience with legacy ECM and RM solutions, as well as today’s intelligent cloud content services has allowed us to see what clients need repeatedly, enabling us to offer pre-packaged solutions that will get you up and running more quickly and affordably than a typical custom implementation. 


Digital Transformation Services

Organize the chaos, get more out of your legacy systems, transform and automate your processes. From strategic & advisory to design & deployment to support & managed services we help in any way you need with your digital transformation, whether you choose to go with all or just some of our services.

Artificial Intelligence Solutions

Whether you’re looking to improve existing processes or create a digital transformation for your business, we use our extensive experience with content, process and automation, leveraging AI where it makes sense, to create outcomes that make a difference.

Advanced Technologies Products

Docuflow | SAP Certified
Intellĕgo | PeopleSoft
VersaFile TRex Platform

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